To make everything work smoothly, you need to trade between your various regions. Your finances are shared, but everything else is specific to a certain map. To switch from the Arctic to Lunar environments, you have to zoom out to the global map, click on the map type you watch to switch to, let it load, and then enter the map. Each environment has different maps that operate independently. It has the most basic workers and materials, while you'll draw upon claims in other regions for more exotic materials. You'll begin in the Temperate climate, which forms the base of your corporate operations. Each environment has a different series of buildings, citizen types, and resources to draw on, and in the campaign, players will work their way through them all. I think the game could use more building variations, as your cities will begin to resemble vast carbon copies of the same building, but Blue Byte did a great job of giving you something to look at.Īnno 2205 splits itself across three different playable environments: Temperate, Arctic, and Lunar. Each building is like a tiny living diorama you can see resources being pulled from a mine or watch a power lifter amble around your spaceport. In the lulls, you can just sit and watch your cities toil away. While you're taking part in all this corporate intrigue, you'll also need to fend off attacks from the lunar-based Orbital Watch.Īnno 2205 is a stunning game. You'll need to build up your terrestrial and lunar operations, expand to new claims, and ultimately become the leading corporation. You're thrust into the era and given a corporation of your own to manage. In the future, governments have given way to corporations. The success of Anno 2070 made developer Ubisoft Blue Byte double-down on space-age building, thus resulting in this title. Previously, the Anno games took place in earlier eras like 1602, 1701, and 1404, but the last entry in the series brought the series into the future. That's the correct region Anno 2205 falls into, but the execution is a bit different.

I knew that it wasn't a pure city simulation like Cities: Skylines, sticking closer to something like Age of Empires: part city building, part real-time strategy. I went into Anno 2205 expecting something a bit different.