You can set the look sensitivity to a great degree, though. If you wish to remap the controls on console, you’ll be limited to choosing between a few driving scheme, switching the left and right bumpers/triggers, inverting some axes and generally swapping button functions between pairs. It would probably be best if you kept this tab open nearby during your first few sessions. A lot of it is pretty standard fare for a shooter, but you will probably have fund memorizing a couple of the more obscure ones. If you’ve played any of the previous Far Cry games, or anything similar (GTA comes to mind), the controls will seem familiar. The weapons range from sidearms, shotguns, automatics, semi-automatics, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, and many more. ▼Article Continues Below▼ Far Cry 5 control scheme As a first person shooter, Far Cry 4 has a focus on its weapons.